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Value Based Purchasing


Value-based purchasing (VBP) refers to a range of policies that use both financial and non-financial incentives to drive strong performance at multiple levels within the health system.  The Office of Value-Based Purchasing (OVBP) is devoted to promoting policies that encourage the provision of high quality, efficient care to Medicaid members; resulting in better care outcomes for members, while maximizing the value the Commonwealth receives for its state and federal health care dollars.  The VBP dashboards linked on this page are designed to provide informative data for each program.

Make Your Voice Heard: DMAS Value-Based Purchasing Provider Survey 2025

DMAS would like to hear from providers about their experiences with Value-Based Care (VBC) contracts in Virginia’s Medicaid line of business. This short survey should take 5 – 10 minutes to complete:

Go to the Survey!

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