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High Needs Support

What is HNS?

The High Needs Supports (HNS) program would provide critical housing and employment support services to the Commonwealth’s high need Medicaid members. DMAS is committed to addressing the social and environmental needs of Virginians that impact health, wellbeing, and medical expenditures. The HNS benefit would target Medicaid members ages 18 or older who are eligible under the Medicaid State Plan and those who are eligible under the out-of-state FFY component of the Section 1115 Medicaid demonstration age 18 up to 26. Housing and employment supports would be available to certain high needs individuals enrolled in the managed care delivery system, including those with a behavioral health need, need for assistance with activities of daily living, or a complex physical health need. Qualifying beneficiaries must be expected to benefit from supports necessary to obtain and maintain stable housing or employment. This webpage will provide public access to the latest implementation updates, opportunities for public comment, program and operational policy development, and upcoming public meetings.

Please note: This program requires General Assembly authority in order to implement and continue development of the benefit. There is no available implementation date at this time.

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